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Reducing Risk For The Life Cycle of Your Information

Questions? We understand that you might have questions about records management, records storage or information destruction services. We provided answers to some of the most commonly asked questions below. If you are unable to find the answer to your question do not hesitate to reach out to one of our information management professionals.

Destruction FAQs

Is there a fee to remove the boxes that held our documents?

If you want Crown Information to remove the old boxes your destroyed documents were in, there is a fee. Cardboard cannot be mixed in with the paper, for recycling purposes and there is no room on our trucks to haul away the boxes. Contact your Account Representative for a quote on this service and arrange box pick-up. 

Do we need to have payment ready for you?

If you are having a one-time service (purge service) then payment is expected at the time of service. For our scheduled routine services, you will receive a bill. 

Do you have lockable containers?

Yes, we have lockable containers for all our routine service customers. One time purge service customers may request, at an additional cost to have bins brought to them to use during clean out. 

How long does it take to schedule shredding?
Depending on your location it can be as quick as next day service; always within a few business days.
What happens if our containers are full before the regularly scheduled service time?

If you know you are going to have extra shredding please contact your Account Representative, in advance to find out what the best option for your individual circumstance is going to be. 

What kind of paper can we put in your containers?
We will shred any color or type of paper, including file folders. Paper clips, staples and rubber bands can be shredded as well.
What size are the containers?
We can supply containers of any size. They range from as large as 95 gallons to a size small enough to fit under any desk. All containers come with a security lock to insure your records remain confidential until they are shredded on your site.
Why should I have a shredding service instead of buying my own shredder?
Money! It will cost you 3 to 5 times more to shred in-house than to have a shredding service. Amortization of a shredder, staff time, square footage for the operation, maintenance, power costs and disposal costs all add up to much more than we charge – and we do all of the work!
Why would I use a shredding service instead of just recycling?
For security purposes. Recycling services are not designed to provide security. Basically, recycling services use open collection containers which are accessible to anyone; staff, janitors, etc. Generally, the employees of recycling service companies are not security screened personnel. Your paper is transported in its whole form, meaning if an accident should occur, your secrets are available to anyone. Paper is taken to the warehouses, which are accessible to the public, and the paper is sorted for grade. The courts have ruled that once you place your material into the trash can, recycling receptacle, or dumpster, you lose all privacy rights to that information, no matter how sensitive or proprietary it is. The laws on public domain protect the people taking the information – NOT YOU! You may even be held liable for negligence if the discarded material harms someone. With the development of the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act), shredding of documents has become the recommended method for the handling of sensitive documentation.
Do you provide a certificate of destruction?
We provide a certificate of destruction at the time of each service so you know all documents collected on your site were destroyed and shredded in a confidential manner.
What areas do you service?

We service most of Florida. Please check our service area page located here: 

Who or What is NAID?

The National Association for Information Destruction was formed in 1997as a non-profit organization. Their sole purpose is to champion the responsible destruction of confidential information and material, by promoting the highest standards and ethics. NAID is recognized internationally by many policy makers and is often called upon to provide counsel to organizations developing information security standards and regulations.

To become a certified member a company is held to the highest standards in the industry. On an annual basis, audits occur to verify that the provider complies with these standards. In all there are over 20 key elements verified with each audit. Audits may be scheduled or random on the spot audits. This insures compliance by every NAIDcertified member at any time guaranteeing the security of the document destruction program.

Areas that are covered in Audits are:

  • Employee Clearance: which includes drug screening, employment history, and a criminal background check.
  • Access Control: This monitors the facility and its security systems such as alarms, and video surveillance systems.
  • The Destruction Process: In which the particle size of our shred, destruction time frame, and disposal of destroyed materials is measured.
  • Secure Processing: This area verifies compliance with the service providers written policies and procedures.

This information was provided by the National Association for Information Destruction or NAID. More information is available by visiting their website at:

Does Crown Offer Other Destruction Services?

 Yes. We also shred Hard Drives, X-Rays, Media, Uniforms, and many other types of products. Please contact us to find out how we can help you. 

Records Storage FAQs

What is the most common box sizes you store?

The two most common box sizes used in record storage are boxes that are 1.2 cubic feet (1.2’s) and boxes that are 2.4 cubic feet (2.4’s).

Can we use the boxes we have?

If your records are already in boxes that’s fine. We recommend that you use double walled boxes. You can purchase boxes through Crown Information Management, or use your own. If your boxes are crushed or badly damaged you can replace them or we can replace them for you, once they arrive at our facility. (See pictures of damaged boxes) Boxes that are damaged can be dangerous in two ways. First, if the wall of a box fails, it can drop the box or boxes that it is supporting, causing an avalanche effect. This could fall on someone and seriously hurt them. The second problem is if the walls fail and more than one box spills content, we now have to go through the process, of sorting the material. This process may call for your company to send over a designated employee to help sort and identify the material.

Can we pick up our boxes from the facility rather than have them delivered?

Yes! You may always pick up your boxes or files from our facility. Please schedule your pickup time with our Record Storage Coordinator.

What is the cutoff time to order a box to be received the next day?

In order to receive a box by 5 p.m. the next day, you would need to place your order by 3 p.m. the day before.

What type of Identification is required to pick up our boxes?

When sending someone from your office to retrieve a box that person would have to be on the Authorized Contacts list that your company fills out when they first sign up for service. They will also need an official I.D such as a Driver’s License or a Passport.

How do we request a pick up or order more boxes?

Requesting a pick up or delivery or ordering more boxes is made simple through our secure online portal. Due to compliance requirements, for chain of custody, phone calls cannot be accepted for requests.

How do we request a box or file in an emergency situation?

Emergency situations come up! If you have an emergency or an after-hours request, please email Jay Burns at