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New Habits for the New Year: Getting Your Offices in Order by Cleaning Out and Purging Documents, Hard Drives, Etc.

for a clean desk and office. You can do this easily when you develop new habits to regularly clean and purge files and other items. Purging is not a once done, always done, matter. For the most success, it should be done regularly. Utilizing the services of a certified shredding company will have you well on your way to t…

Ensuring Document Security & Record Keeping Compliance in a Hybrid Environment

The 30-second commute took on new meaning when the COVID-19 pandemic came on the scene. Before, employees were hard-pressed to get their boss to agree to let them work from home. This was with good reason. How did employers know that their team would get their work done? There was also the cybersecurity issue. It is harde…

Putting Your Records & Documents to Bed for 2021

The end of the year means many things. It is generally the end of the fiscal year for businesses, and requires some recordkeeping and document clean-up. Accounting departments gather together financial records, such as taxes. Human Resource departments gather together personnel records. Each group has specific regulations…

Black Friday Shopping is Exciting – Even for Thieves!

As the turkey is digesting, many people are preparing for another holiday pastime – Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping. This is the time of year where shoppers break out their credit cards and grab all the deals they can. Many people avoid shopping in person and jump online to make their purchases. If online shopping…

Does Your Melbourne, FL business Suffer from a False Sense of Security?

Today’s businesses have more to do than building products and providing services. They also have to keep record security top of mind. These records can be in many forms, including electronic and hard copies. With additional regulations on companies to secure documents, many responded to the local office supply store and p…

What You Should Know about the Florida Information Act

For years, businesses and governments have worked to secure customers’ and taxpayers’ information, and for decades cyber thugs have continued to wage war on electronic storage systems. The COVID-19 pandemic proved that thieves never let a good panic go to waste. Throughout 2020, many people suffered at the hands of people…

Does it Look Like Halloween Every Day in Your Storage Unit?

Individuals and businesses use storage units every day. These rental spaces offer the convenience of keeping things that you may not need at your location. For example, families may store furniture, holiday decorations, and sports equipment to avoid cluttering their homes. Businesses will tuck away unused desks and chairs…

What Is Medical Identity Theft? How to Prevent It?

Medical fraud is big business. With prescription drugs paying big on the street and doctors making prescriptions for certain medicines scarce, thieves need new avenues to get the drugs they want. Your medical identity is the right target and can cause you years of misery, along with poor medical service because of mismatc…

Medical Record Storage in Florida for a Secure Doctor’s Office

Serving patients and their health is the pinnacle of medical practice. It also includes mounds of paperwork that have to be kept safe and secure per federal regulations. Many medical practices are moving to electronic records management. Keeping your patient’s private information private should be second only to their med…