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8 Tips to Prevent Data Breaches

Advice from a Certified Document Destruction & Records Management Company  The term data breach has become a standard phrase in our conversations. Yet, this generic term carries with it many meanings. When you think about a data breach, what comes to mind? A hooded figure in some dark room staring at a compute…

Commemorate Earth Day with A Shredding Event

Show Respect for Our Planet with Help from a Reliable Shredding Company  The first Earth Day was in April 1970. This was before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act. In short, there was nothing concrete or regulatory in place to protect the environment. Then in the spring of 197…

Increasingly Hybrid Workforce? Ensure Meticulous Document Shredding

Hire Professional Records Storage and Management Services  The past few years have been a roller coaster for many – staying in place versus returning to the office. Several organizations decided that it didn’t have to be one or the other when it could be a bit of both.  Many employers and their teams learned that…

DIY Paper Shredding Tips – But Is It Worth It?

Professional Shredding Services Save Time and Money Shredding laws are in place to protect consumers and companies. They ensure that documents and computers with sensitive information are appropriately handled. No one wants their personally identifiable information to fall into the hands of an identity thief. That is a…

What Not to Put in Shred Bins 

Shredding sensitive documents prevents thieves from stealing information that could put your company at risk. Dumpster divers look for anything that can give them a leg up in their illegal ventures. You don’t want to be the company with its reputation tarnished because of negligence that can be avoided easily. That is why…

Shredding Laws: Tips on Staying Compliant 

Professional Shredding Services Keep You Legal A data breach causes many headaches for all involved. Consumers must worry if their identity will be stolen. Companies face a tainted reputation and the government’s ire if a breach occurs that could have been avoided. For years data destruction laws and regulations have m…

Seasonal Shredding Tasks – A Handy Checklist

Professional Document Destruction to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution After the holidays have settled down, many companies look at their next big event—tax season. Preparing for taxes often includes gathering up the current year’s paperwork for storage and purging any old records. If you aren’t meticulous with planning…

It’s Time for Feasting & Festivity – But Don’t Offer it to Criminals!

The turkey has settled, and the holiday season is gearing up for that fun and festive time. Different industries are heading into their busiest time. Retail stores must focus on stocking their shelves for their patrons, and medical offices are heading into the flu season. Don’t forget that the New Year is right around the…

Lights, Baubles, Gifts, Sweet Treats…and Shredding!

The holidays are a fun and festive time. Families and companies alike bring out the lights and decorations, not to mention turn on melodies that make everyone hum along. Behind all the lights, baubles, and gifts, thieves work hard to take data and turn it towards their selfish desires. This giving time of year should not…