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When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your Compliance Policies, Procedures, and Plans?

Stay in Compliance with Updated Manuals and a Records Management Company As Q4 approaches, many companies look at their balance sheets, anticipating what end-of-year push they can make to meet their budgets. It’s also an excellent time to look at other aspects of business to set the new year off to a good start. One as…

3 Benefits of Professional Paper Shredding in Central Florida

Top-Notch Certified Shredding Company to Protect Your Company’s Documents Should you outsource your paper shredding to a professional company? This is a business decision that must be considered from many different angles. For example, do you have regulatory rules to follow? Do you have the staff available to ensure do…

Child Identity Theft: Getting the Kids Ready for Back to School… Add Credit Checks for Your Kids

Protect Your Family’s Identity with a Dependable and Certified Shredding Company  Identity theft is consistently on the rise. Some unfortunate victims are the ones parents try to protect the most—children. Yes, kids are easy targets for cyber thugs. They get some information from social media posts, phishing emails, or…

Tips to Properly Store Hard Drives and Other Media Prior to Destruction

Advice from a Certified Hard Drive Destruction Company  Recycling computers is actively encouraged. It helps others in your community, and the environment. Before you take your old laptops, desktops, and monitors down to the recycle center, you want to ensure no one can steal any existing information. Just deletin…

The Importance of Document Destruction for Regulatory Compliance

Stay Compliant with a Dependable and Certified Shredding Company  Document retention and destruction policies are vital to companies that handle personal identification information. There are different laws and guidelines that businesses must follow. Allowing that information to leak can also wreak havoc on a comp…

Why Everyone Needs a Records Retention and Destruction Plan

Advice from a Certified Document Destruction & Records Management Company  Businesses rely on documents to keep their doors open and customers happy. Records consist of financial statements, balance sheets, bank statements, customer information, patient information, legal files, etc. It can get quite overwhelming t…

Enjoy Your Summer Vacation: Tips to Avoid Identity Theft

Helpful Suggestions from a Reliable Shredding Company  Summer vacation season is upon us. Now is the time for employees to leave work and head out to fun destinations with their families. They have worked and waited for the best time to enjoy the sun and new adventures all year. They have also spent many days working h…

Hurricane Season Is Approaching – Are Your Records Safe?

Protect Crucial Documents with Professional Records Storage and Management  Today’s storms and hurricanes are nothing like those of years gone by. It seems that with each passing year, they get stronger and more intense. When they hit the Florida shores, they wreak havoc on homeowners and businesses alike. Houses and b…

Protecting Your Business: A Refresher on Paper Shredding

Stay Compliant with Document Destruction and Records Management  Paper shredding is the process of destroying confidential or sensitive documents to prevent unauthorized access or use, such as in cases of identity theft. Many different businesses must follow the various regulations and laws governing paper shredding. T…