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Services that Your Information Management Company in Florida Can Provide 

Entrust Your Records Management and Destruction to a Reliable Company Companies must be conscious of how they handle client records. Legal and medical professionals must follow laws and regulations regarding how records are to be kept and destroyed. Today’s cybercriminals are extremely stealthy and clever. They apply t…

The Safe Holiday Shopper: Identity Theft During the Holidays

Hire Professionals to Destroy Old Hard Drives and Shred Documents ‘Tis the season for holiday cheer. Now is the time to engage in the hustle and bustle of family, friends, food, and shopping. Merchants ensure their customers get the best deals on the perfect gifts. They work hard – so do cybercriminals. The holiday sho…

Are You Still Storing Records in a Public Storage Unit?

Choose a Dependable Shredding Company Instead!  Public storage units serve an essential purpose. They are great for families in the midst of moving. They can help homeowners or apartment dwellers who need extra space for seldom-used items. Some people even use them for storing inventory for their small business. Unfort…

Is Old Equipment Haunting Your Business?

Fall Office Cleaning Begins with an Equipment Destruction Company  When you put away the office holiday decorations last year, did you stuff them in a dreary closet that serves as a cemetery for old equipment? You know, the one down the hall that no one touches lest an avalanche of dilapidated chairs, computers, and mo…

It’s Time to Schedule Those Shredding Purges

Make a Day of Purge Shredding with a Reliable Document Management Company  We often think of December and the end of the year as the time to throw out those stacks of documents cluttering desks and the storage room. You know the ones. They start as one or two files sitting on the corner of a desk. The user thinks they…

Do You Know What Data Protection Laws Apply to Your Business?

Trusted Information Management Company for Shredding and Storage Needs Data protection is a growing concern among all people. Consumers worry that cyber criminals will steal their identities. Businesses must be vigilant in saving and securing their customers’ data from cyber thieves. One wrong move and a company can lo…

When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your Compliance Policies, Procedures, and Plans?

Stay in Compliance with Updated Manuals and a Records Management Company As Q4 approaches, many companies look at their balance sheets, anticipating what end-of-year push they can make to meet their budgets. It’s also an excellent time to look at other aspects of business to set the new year off to a good start. One as…

3 Benefits of Professional Paper Shredding in Central Florida

Top-Notch Certified Shredding Company to Protect Your Company’s Documents Should you outsource your paper shredding to a professional company? This is a business decision that must be considered from many different angles. For example, do you have regulatory rules to follow? Do you have the staff available to ensure do…

Child Identity Theft: Getting the Kids Ready for Back to School… Add Credit Checks for Your Kids

Protect Your Family’s Identity with a Dependable and Certified Shredding Company  Identity theft is consistently on the rise. Some unfortunate victims are the ones parents try to protect the most—children. Yes, kids are easy targets for cyber thugs. They get some information from social media posts, phishing emails, or…