Certificate of Destruction – What Does It REALLY Mean?
Gain a Better Understanding and Select Your Shredding Services
We are a data-driven world. Each day, billions of bits of data are exchanged across the globe. This information includes personal data from clients, customers, and businesses. Luckily, we have many options for securely storing digital information. Yet, an a…
Are You Still Storing Records in a Public Storage Unit?
Save Money and Meet Regulatory Standards with Professional Document Storage
Many businesses face the age-long battle of how to properly and economically store paper documents. Numerous offices fight for space that can easily be freed up with quality storage solutions. The question to be answered is, what make…
It’s Time to Schedule Those Shredding Purges
Convenient Document Destruction by a Trusted Company
Most people think of purges happening twice a year: once in the spring for spring cleaning and then again at the end of the year. In reality, any time is a good time to clear out your home, desk, or office of the mounds of paper that need to be shredded. In fact, Oct…
Is Old Equipment Haunting Your Business?
Hire Professionals to Destroy Old Equipment
You have seen it before – the old copier sitting at the end of a long, dark, scary hallway. It served your office well for years through thousands of copies. But now, it sits next to the old fax machine, haunting the space with its presence. Getting rid of old office equipmen…
Do You Know What Data Protection Laws Apply to Your Business?
Support for Your Data Compliance Needs
As a business owner, you juggle many responsibilities, from driving sales and managing supply chains to hiring employees and securing insurance. Amid these daily tasks, ensuring compliance with current data protection laws can easily get overlooked. However, data protection should…
When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your Compliance Policies, Procedures, and Plans?
Are you aware of when your compliance policies need an update? It might seem like a straightforward question, but it’s crucial. Companies that neglect to update their policies, procedures, and plans risk regulatory violations—a potentially costly mistake. Outdated policies may not align with new laws and regulations, or a…
Child Identity Theft: Getting the Kids Ready for Back to School
Information Management Companies Advise – Add Credit Checks for Your Kids
It’s time for back to school! While the dog days of summer are in full swing, parents are helping their kids find school supplies, buy new clothes, and find their locker in middle school. Some kids have graduated high school and are heading to c…
Benefits of Professional Paper Shredding in Central Florida
Convenience and Compliance Solutions from a Trusted Shredding Company
With technology, many businesses have streamlined their documents by going paperless. Not all industries can do this, however. In particular, the legal and medical fields still have mountains of paper documents. These records contain personal identif…
Tips to Properly Store Hard Drives and Other Media Prior to Destruction
Keeps Things Tidy and Protected Before the Pros Pick Them Up
As a commercial enterprise, your company is tasked with a crucial role in correctly storing and protecting hard drives and other media with your customers’ personal information. This responsibility is not just to protect your reputation and remain compliant…