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Secure Records Disposal for Hospitals and Medical Offices

If you work in a healthcare establishment (hospital, emergency care center, medical office, laboratory, or other associated healthcare business), you are aware of the rampant data breach issues that plague this industry. Hence, it is no surprise that healthcare businesses have to comply with several state and federal laws…

Hard Drive Destruction is Important

Whether you are upgrading to new devices or simply cleaning up storage facilities, don’t just discard your old computers, laptops, DVDs, drives or other electronic junk in garbage or recycle. Without proper disposal processes, you may be risking the reputation of your business and could end up becoming a victim of corpora…

Protect Your Business from Identity Theft

Facts and Tips from Florida’s Trusted Information Management Experts There is no doubt that in the Information Age, all our physical and digital records are more valuable than we ever imagined. While technological advancements have led to easier and real-time access to information, they have also made us and our busine…

Get Ahead of the Storm

Tips for Business Continuity and Disaster Planning While Florida is famous for its sandy beaches and breathtaking views, the deadly hurricanes that have hit its shores have hogged more headlines than any other state in the US. As per the Hurricane Research Division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration…

NAID Membership Does Not Necessarily Mean NAID Certified

Your Information Management Experts Explain the Difference The international trade association for information destruction service providers, National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) is essentially the standards setting body for secure disposal of paper and electronic data. In addition to conducting proce…

Due Diligence for Information Management Vendors

Useful Suggestions on How to Identify Quality Vendors Utilizing third-party assistance for the non-core activities of your business is a common practice. It increases operational efficiencies and reduces the burden on in-house costs and administration.  However, selecting the right vendor for your outsourcing requ…

It’s Tax Season – Shredding Tips

Know What to Shred and What to Keep It’s that time of year again!  Tax season is upon us. The time of the year when you will pull out confidential papers from files and boxes, exchange sensitive information with your accountants, and eventually file your taxes online. Tax related frauds are the most common form of…

Data Breaches Can Happen Anywhere

Predictions for 2019 by Information Management Experts in Florida  For many years, your primary information security concern was how to meticulously maintain the original, physical records, and protect them from being lost or stolen. However, today, paper records may be the safest way to protect your records! What…

Breach Notification Letter Causes Patient Confidentiality Breach

Aetna settled a lawsuit for $17 million Wednesday over a data breach that happened in the summer of 2017. The privacy of as many as 12,000 people insured by Aetna was compromised in a very low-tech way: The fact that they had been taking HIV drugs was revealed through the clear window of the envelope.