Scan on Demand: A Cost-Effective Way to Go Digital
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Whether you are dealing with space challenges for storing your ever-increasing stacks of physical files and documents, or you are pursuing the goal of a paperless office, digitization of records could be the ideal solution for you. However, going completely digital can be a tedious, time consuming and extremely expensive…
Plan Ahead for Fiscal End Purges
Whether the fiscal end of your business is round the corner or a few quarters away, periodic purges of office documents is a critical activity around that time of the year. Besides decluttering the workspaces and freeing up valuable storage space, an annual or quarterly purging can help:
Don’t Let Your Guard Down during the Pandemic
The novel coronavirus crisis continues to take a toll on lives, livelihoods, economies, public health systems, and businesses. Organizations, professionals, and educational institutions that transitioned to a remote environment within hours of the World Health Organization declaring COVID-19 a pandemic, remain in a virtua…
The Rise of Identity Theft during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Identity theft accounts for 65% of the total global data breach incidents. The enormity of cybercrime and the dangers it poses to businesses and individuals is evident from the fact that every 2 seconds an American falls victim to identity fraud. The dollar loss related to identity theft was almost $16.9 billion in 2019…
Keep Your Child’s Identity Safe during Online Learning
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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage across the world, countries across the world are struggling with the big decision of reopening schools versus teaching through online platforms. In many states in the U.S., children may continue participating in virtual schools for the foreseeable future. The coronavirus containm…
Hurricane Season is Here. Get Your Records to Safety
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While hurricane season in Florida officially begins on June 1 each year, this year the region has already experienced two named storms, even before the season began. Quick on the heels of the first two storms came the third named storm, Cristobal, which also brought sheets of rain in the Sunshine State. With meteorology e…
Address Your Home Office’s Data Liabilities
In the ongoing fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, a vast majority of us continue to work from home. Wherever possible, this arrangement may continue to be the norm for several more weeks or months. In light of this unprecedented and unplanned work routine, the risks of data breaches have gone up manifold. Although most…
Off-site Records Destruction is Out of Your Hands
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From complying with regulations, to reducing clutter and freeing up storage space, there may be several reasons for destroying your organization’s physical documents and digital drives at regular intervals. Since office shredding machines are not the best solution for safe and permanent disposal of records, partnering…
Managing Records is like Taming a Huge Paper Monster
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Professional Records Management Services Can Make the Job Easier
Did you know the average office worker generates about 10,000 sheets of paper per year? While technological advances and cloud-based storage solutions may have reduced the dependence on paper records, achieving a 100% paperless office is still an ideology…