The investment in new computers, laptops, and other devices allows organizations and individuals to upgrade to new products with better features. Yet, old computers should never get tossed out in the dumpster. Placing them into the trash puts all the potentially sensitive data on those devices at risk – anyone can pull something out of a dumpster and, with a bit of knowledge, access unsecured (and sometimes secured) information.
Many companies use the end of one year and the beginning of another to tidy up records and documents. The year’s paperwork often gets stuffed into filing cabinets or banker’s boxes and shoved into a storage room. Until you run out of storage space, this isn’t a bad plan. Soon, boxes are hanging out at the water cooler along with your team members. What happens when your company grows, and you add new people, but you don’t have room for them? Moving physical records to offsite storage answers these dilemmas and more.
for a clean desk and office. You can do this easily when you develop new habits to regularly clean and purge files and other items. Purging is not a once done, always done, matter. For the most success, it should be done regularly. Utilizing the services of a certified shredding company will have you well on your way to the cleaner, less cluttered office you envision for the New Year.
The 30-second commute took on new meaning when the COVID-19 pandemic came on the scene. Before, employees were hard-pressed to get their boss to agree to let them work from home. This was with good reason. How did employers know that their team would get their work done? There was also the cybersecurity issue. It is harder to manage security with employees spread out across town or worldwide and working from their dining room table. However, it is possible to keep data safe in employees’ homes and records securely when working in a hybrid environment when you enlist the services of an information management company.
Ideas to Keep Information Secure in a Hybrid Work Environment
Limiting exposure to the COVID-19 virus is possible in a hybrid work environment. Your employees may enjoy many benefits such as safety, productivity, and career satisfaction, but you need to mitigate some data security risks. Here are a few strategies to assist you and your team in securing data:
Remind Your Team about Data Security Policies Regularly: We are so used to carrying many types of technology that we can easily forget phones and laptops can be hacked. If your team is carting paper records back and forth between work and home, you have increased risks. It is a great idea to cover their responsibilities to protect information and reinforce steps they can take to protect said sensitive information, such as:
Keep passwords complex and confidential
Regularly change passwords
Share the dangers of phishing, how to recognize it, and what they need to do if they receive a suspicious email
Discuss how to properly dispose of unnecessary paper, mainly when they are of confidential nature
Work with IT to Develop Multiple Layers of Cybersecurity: The more layers of safety you have, the better. Aim for protections such as multi-factor authentication, data encryption, firewalls, and antivirus software. The payoff will be huge when you consider the many different ways to mitigate risk while allowing easier data sharing between home and work.
Establish a Secure Document Disposal System: There is still quite a bit of paper circulating within businesses. Your team needs to know what to do with documents they no longer need. Utilizing professional shredding services is the safest option, offering you peace of mind that your records are thoroughly destroyed according to regulations.
Support Your Team with Help from Crown Information Management
Encourage the hybrid work environment when you consider and plan for different scenarios and hire a qualified documents storage and shredding company like Crown Information Management. We have the credentials to ease your conscience. Not only can we set up shredding bins and shred onsite, but we also offer storage solutions you can depend on. Contact us today to learn more.
For secure, pest-free storage and easy and timely destruction of records, count on a SOC1 Level 2 Report,NAID AAA, and PCI Certified company. Call Crown Information Management at 800-979-9545 or contact us online to learn more about our document storage and shredding services.
The end of the year means many things. It is generally the end of the fiscal year for businesses, and requires some recordkeeping and document clean-up. Accounting departments gather together financial records, such as taxes. Human Resource departments gather together personnel records. Each group has specific regulations dictating what needs to be kept and what needs to be destroyed. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to know the next best move, and a new year is a great time to start fresh. How can you do that effectively? Choosing a qualified document management company is the first step in the right direction.
5 Tips for Year-End Records Management and Shredding
After enlisting the services of a records management company, gather your team together to make the process easier. You might even have a day dedicated to the tasks at hand, including company-provided lunch. You can all beat the overwhelm that can come with purging old records by utilizing these five tips:
Follow Your Retention Policy: Your company should have a written plan in place, and if it doesn’t, it’s time to make one. A policy tells employees how long records should be stored, how often to move these files and the process for purging them.
Know What Document Can be Disposed of and How: Anytime you handle sensitive or personal information, you should have policies in place. Regulations indicate how to handle destruction processes. Working with a NAID-certified company, you can rest assured your documents will be appropriately destroyed.
Enlist the Services of a Qualified Shredding Company: For added secure shredding, work with a shredding company that will set locked bins around your office for employees to place documents into. Make it practice to immediately put papers in need of shredding into the appropriate container.
Utilized Common Searches to Aid in Organizing: If you do not have an organized way to sort and purge your files, now is a great time to begin one. Do you use names? Do you use numbers? Whatever is the most common way to search records, use it. You will be glad you have a better way to find the files you need throughout the year.
Move Archived Records to a Secure Offsite Facility: You may find that keeping all your documents in your office gets quite crowded. It also puts private information at risk. Files can be misplaced, or visitors may have accidental access to things they shouldn’t. Offsite storage facilities with qualified and certified companies ensure a higher level of safety.
Make a Great Start to the New Year – Choose Crown Information Management
Start the year off right with adequately purged and securely stored records. The team at Crown Information Management stands ready to assist you with your shredding and storage needs. We are NAID certified, which means we have met the stringent qualifications required to attain certification. Contact us today for more information on how we can help your organization.
For secure, pest-free storage and easy and timely destruction of records, count on a SOC1 Level 2 Report,NAID AAA, and PCI Certified company. Call Crown Information Management at 800-979-9545 or contact us online to learn more about our document storage and shredding services.
As the turkey is digesting, many people are preparing for another holiday pastime – Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping. This is the time of year where shoppers break out their credit cards and grab all the deals they can. Many people avoid shopping in person and jump online to make their purchases. If online shopping is something you choose to do, it pays to take precautions to prevent cyber thieves. Just like you take preventative actions to store documents securely and properly destroy records, you know that you should take steps to protect your identity online.
8 Ways to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft While Shopping on Black Friday
You can take some simple steps to protect your finances while shopping online. Here are eight:
Avoid Clicking on Email Links: Your favorite retailer may send you emails with their current deals. Cyber thugs will do the same in what is called a phishing email. Their goal is to capture your information via a false portal accessed by the link they sent you. When you receive an email from your retailer, hover over the links to check the information. If it looks ‘fishy,’ then avoid clicking on it.
Do Not Open Attachments: Retailers will not send you their Black Friday deals in an attachment. Hackers will hide malware in it instead and wreak havoc with your information. Keep in mind that delivery companies are not immune from being used by cyber thieves.
Stay Away from Pop-Ups and Ads: Those annoying pop-ups may be housing a virus or other types of malware. Not only do they gather your information, but they can infect your device with adware, spyware, and ransomware.
Be Aware of E-Skimmers: You are probably aware of card skimmers at ATMs and gas stations, but there is another way to skim your card information. Through e-skimming, a thief installs malicious code on a retailer’s website to gather credit card data. Utilize a third-party payment service such as PayPal, Venmo, or Amazon when possible.
Use a Credit Card Instead of a Debit Card: Many credit card companies have “zero liability” policies, which means you do not have to pay for fraudulent purchases. However, a debit card may not have the same protection. For example, you may be liable for the first $50.
Use a Secure Network – Not Public Wi-Fi: Many of us enjoy the convenience of public Wi-Fi at our favorite fast-food restaurant. So does a hacker. They can sit a few tables down from you and steal all of your credit card information. Instead of using public Internet access, choose to shop on a private Wi-Fi network or a VPN.
Pick Complex Passwords: Most people use the same password for many different sites. Once a cybercriminal gets hold of one, they will use it everywhere they can. Make up new passwords that are complex or use a password manager.
Keep an Eye on Your Accounts: Look at your accounts frequently, even daily. Set up alerts on your bank accounts and credit cards to tell you of any suspicious activity.
Thwart Thieves with Document Storage at Crown Information Management
Stay proactive while shopping. Don’t let cyber thieves take off with your credit card information. Remember that you need to be cautious all year long with record storage as well. The team at Crown Information Management stands ready to help you and your company securely store records and destroy documents and hard drives, among other services. Learn more when you contact us today.
For secure, pest-free storage and easy and timely destruction of records, count on a SOC1 Level 2 Report,NAID AAA, and PCI Certified company. Call Crown Information Management at 800-979-9545 or contact us online to learn more about our document storage and shredding services.
Today’s businesses have more to do than building products and providing services. They also have to keep record security top of mind. These records can be in many forms, including electronic and hard copies. With additional regulations on companies to secure documents, many responded to the local office supply store and picked up a shredder, giving them a false send of security. However, these devices do not always produce the shredding quality needed in some industries. Employees often do not use them and leave files in stacks on the floor around the shredder or on their desks. Utilizing the services of a professional, certified document storage and destruction company provides many Melbourne, FL businesses the peace of mind they seek.
For years, businesses and governments have worked to secure customers’ and taxpayers’ information, and for decades cyber thugs have continued to wage war on electronic storage systems. The COVID-19 pandemic proved that thieves never let a good panic go to waste. Throughout 2020, many people suffered at the hands of people lacking moral integrity who only wanted to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals. In all of this, the good news is that technology and professional storage services have made it possible for businesses to keep their clients’ information secure. Even so, as a sole proprietor, limited liability company, or corporation in Jacksonville, Florida, it is up to you to ensure all confidential records are properly secured.
Individuals and businesses use storage units every day. These rental spaces offer the convenience of keeping things that you may not need at your location. For example, families may store furniture, holiday decorations, and sports equipment to avoid cluttering their homes. Businesses will tuck away unused desks and chairs along with stacks of documents they have run out of space for in the office. One of the downsides of using offsite storage is the critters that can quickly invade your unit and infiltrate your stuff.