Entrust Your Records Management and Destruction to a Reliable Company
Companies must be conscious of how they handle client records. Legal and medical professionals must follow laws and regulations regarding how records are to be kept and destroyed. Today’s cybercriminals are extremely stealthy and clever. They apply technology to steal information and ruin the reputation of many companies. Having a professional information management company by your side is an excellent way to ensure you follow regulations. They also help ensure cyberthugs have a more challenging time accessing any information your company keeps. As a trusted partner, you can rest assured that you have someone on your side.
Hire Professionals to Destroy Old Hard Drives and Shred Documents
‘Tis the season for holiday cheer. Now is the time to engage in the hustle and bustle of family, friends, food, and shopping. Merchants ensure their customers get the best deals on the perfect gifts. They work hard – so do cybercriminals. The holiday shopping season is the ideal time to get away with theft as consumers take advantage of deals in stores and online. Getting caught up in the excitement of getting gifts for loved ones is easy. Few want to think about those who are stealthily trying to steal a person’s identity. The unfortunate fact is that it happens all the time. You can protect yourself during the holidays by taking some extra precautions as you shop this year.
Public storage units serve an essential purpose. They are great for families in the midst of moving. They can help homeowners or apartment dwellers who need extra space for seldom-used items. Some people even use them for storing inventory for their small business. Unfortunately, some business owners believe a public storage unit is a satisfactory solution for tucking away client and company records. Keeping an office full of boxed documents is not appealing. However, there are better options that are not quite as risky, including using an information management company that understands the nuances of storing and destroying records securely.
4 Reasons NOT to Use a Public Storage Unit for Company Records
Before you take another load of boxed documents to your storage unit, consider these reasons why you shouldn’t, and instead, utilize a professional information management company with solutions to fit your needs:
You risk the theft of your client’s identities. The self-storage unit you used probably doesn’t have high levels of security. Once in, thieves can steal all your documents, including the ones with the clients’ personal information on them. The criminals can then pinch the identities of those within the records. A private storage company understands the importance of keeping unauthorized users from accessing records. They have safety protocols in place to ensure only those who need access get it.
Your records are at risk of destruction because of the elements. Self-storage units do not typically have safety features in the event of a fire, flood, or other natural disaster. In moisture-prone areas, paper documents can be damaged and grow mold and mildew. If a unit has a fire suppression system, the records will suffer damage if the system is activated. Why run the risk of losing everything when you can keep your documents with a company that has the necessary features in place to protect items within their care?
Your rented unit probably doesn’t have a camera. Some companies will have surveillance cameras around the premises, but that doesn’t mean there is one watching your specific unit. Experienced thieves will use this to their advantage and steal from any unit they want. Your contract will be no help, as many self-storage facilities indicate that they are not responsible for thefts. Professional document storage companies have the latest protection protocols to ensure their customers are covered.
You don’t have convenient access to your records. When you use a public storage unit, you must supply the racks and shelving for your boxes. If you don’t use shelving, then you run the risk of your boxes collapsing upon each other. Additionally, every time you need a file, you have to drive or send someone to your unit. The professionals can then bring you what you need.
Keep Records Out of Public Storage Units – Use Crown Information Management Instead
Save time, money, and your reputation by using the services of Crown Information Management. We provide a safe location for your documents, media, X-rays, and more. We can bring you files when you need them. Not only do we save you time and money with our convenient services, but we can show up at your current unit and shred what you no longer need. With our certifications, we can also help you meet your regulatory responsibilities.
For secure, pest-free storage with a SOC1 Level 2 Report,NAID AAA, and PCI Certified company, call Crown Information Management at 800-979-9545. You can also contact us online to learn more about our document storage, information management, and shredding services.
Fall Office Cleaning Begins with an Equipment Destruction Company
When you put away the office holiday decorations last year, did you stuff them in a dreary closet that serves as a cemetery for old equipment? You know, the one down the hall that no one touches lest an avalanche of dilapidated chairs, computers, and monitors come crashing down. Even if you don’t have a dreaded equipment closet, you will have them interspersed around your building. Some may be hidden behind the door in the breakroom. Others may be hiding behind the file cabinets in the attic storage that also serves as a computer server room. Wherever they are, they are taking up valuable space that could be used for other purposes. Instead of letting these items haunt you throughout the year, contact a dependable equipment destruction company to help you.
Make a Day of Purge Shredding with a Reliable Document Management Company
We often think of December and the end of the year as the time to throw out those stacks of documents cluttering desks and the storage room. You know the ones. They start as one or two files sitting on the corner of a desk. The user thinks they will get the filing done ‘later,’ but ‘later’ never comes. Before anyone can blink, the year is half over, and the stack of two is now 20. You don’t have to wait until the end of the year to have a good clear-out. Instead of building file folder castles, use your dependable document management company to schedule annual or quarterly paper shredding purge days. These occasions will soon become an office favorite as everyone clears the clutter in an organized and efficient manner.
Trusted Information Management Company for Shredding and Storage Needs
Data protection is a growing concern among all people. Consumers worry that cyber criminals will steal their identities. Businesses must be vigilant in saving and securing their customers’ data from cyber thieves. One wrong move and a company can lose reputation and money. Data laws are helping consumers and businesses alike. Yet, understanding what data laws apply to your enterprise is crucial to protecting clients and your company. Having access to an excellent information management company is just one step in the right direction to ward off cyber criminals and keep your organization safer.
Stay in Compliance with Updated Manuals and a Records Management Company
As Q4 approaches, many companies look at their balance sheets, anticipating what end-of-year push they can make to meet their budgets. It’s also an excellent time to look at other aspects of business to set the new year off to a good start. One aspect is those dusty 3-ring binders loaded with policies, procedures, equipment maintenance logs, and employee handbooks. Compliance policies should not be “once-and-done” tasks, but they often tend to be that way. The laws change regularly, and your company could be at risk if you don’t inform your employees of the new changes. Utilizing a records management company can help you keep up with recordkeeping requirements and help your organization adhere to a document management program.
Top-Notch Certified Shredding Company to Protect Your Company’s Documents
Should you outsource your paper shredding to a professional company? This is a business decision that must be considered from many different angles. For example, do you have regulatory rules to follow? Do you have the staff available to ensure documents and digital assets are destroyed in a timely fashion? Have you established a solid chain of custody to ensure no document is lost in the process? These are all the questions you need to answer. You may discover that utilizing the services of a reliable, professional shredding company is the best answer.
Protect Your Family’s Identity with a Dependable and Certified Shredding Company
Identity theft is consistently on the rise. Some unfortunate victims are the ones parents try to protect the most—children. Yes, kids are easy targets for cyber thugs. They get some information from social media posts, phishing emails, or dumpster diving and take it to the bank by opening credit cards and lines of credit. Just as you protect your identity, you should take similar steps to save theirs. If not, they may suffer significantly by being turned down for student loans, car loans, or credit cards when starting their adult life’s journey. You can take steps to ensure your kids’ identity remains safely and exclusively their own, including utilizing the services of a certified shredding company.