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Author: Crown Information Managment

Record Storage Systems for a More Efficient Workplace

Managing your organization’s records may seem like a full-time job. Do you know what you must keep and what you can destroy? For the items you can eliminate, what are the best methods by which to do so? These are only a couple of questions you worry about. Another aspect you should keep up on is data security and keeping your workplace running efficiently. Having stacks of papers hovering around your workspace is a disaster waiting to happen. It also leaves you vulnerable to theft and losing vital records.

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Stuck with Outdated Materials or Old Products?

Businesses often sit on large piles of inventory, materials, or products that are old, obsolete, damaged, or unusable. The situation may arise due to a number of reasons, such as 

  • Excess production unmatched by demand
  • Product recalls due to change in manufacturing standards or legal action 
  • A voluntary recall due to defects
  • A batch of expired stock
  • Rebranding efforts that have made earlier packaging, marketing props, promotional merchandise, and branded stationary or uniforms redundant

Are you hoarding old materials and goods without a plan for proper disposal? Is it simply because you are unsure of how to get rid of such items? The product destruction specialists at Crown Information Management discuss why a professional product destruction service is critical for protecting your brand and business reputation. 

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From Hot, Dark Storage Units to Clean, Safe, Secure Ones

Move your Business Records to a Professionally-Managed Warehouse 

The concept of a paperless office may look good on paper, but in reality, every business needs to manage, store, and retrieve some amount of paper files and folders, especially in the context of financial accounting, taxation, compliance, corporate governance, and other critical business transactions. The question is, where do you store such records? Are you filling up cabinets or stacking boxes in your office and using up valuable real estate? Have you rented an expensive self-storage facility that is hot, dark, and uninviting? Why not make the smart decision to partner with a professional records storage company? 

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Hurricane Season Starts June 1. Have You Moved Your Records to Safety?

Hurricane season is around the corner again. On June 1, we will officially be back to that time of the year when the weather defines our movements and business plans. The 2021 report predicts a busy hurricane season with above-normal tropical activity and 7 to 10 hurricanes. Florida has a 75% chance of a hurricane coming within 50 miles, with a 41% chance of a major hurricane, and all the numbers are significantly higher than average. Forecasters continue to urge those in the coastal regions to plan critical business activities ahead of time, and stay alert and informed during the hurricane season.

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Is your Business Ready for Hurricane Season?

While Florida’s warm weather, sandy beaches, and stunning views make for year-round appeal for visitors and residents alike, the hurricane season is no fun for local businesses. Since 40% of all U.S. hurricanes hit Florida there is always the threat of storms, floods, fires, and other devastation to life and property every year from June to November. Whether you have a small retail establishment or a sprawling corporate office, it is important to ensure that your business is ready for the hurricane season ahead. This would mean instituting a proper Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Management (DM) matrix that can minimize operational disruptions when powerful hurricanes hit the shores of Florida.

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Protecting Your Child’s Identity is a Top Priority

While virtual schooling has been the norm for most of the past year, aggressive testing strategies and vaccine rollouts have slowly led to the resumption of in-person learning in schools throughout the U.S. Meanwhile, there has been an unprecedented rise in identity theft during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents have had to exercise extra caution while easing their children into a remote learning environment. 

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Spring Clean your Records after Tax Season

When tax season ends, many corporate offices and home offices start resembling a pack rat’s paradise. While piled up desks, stuffed drawers, and stacks of digital drives are understandable until you complete your tax filing process, a spring cleanup of records is essential in order to maintain a clean and safe work space. The experts at Crown Information Management offer useful insights on timely destruction of tax documents, including secure shredding of paper records and digital drives.

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Don’t Leave Your Tax Documents Laying Around

Tax season is around the corner and you may be bracing yourself for the flurry of activities related to filing your personal, professional, or corporate taxes. Whether it is managing large piles of paper records, tracing missing bills and invoices, reconciling your data and figures, or responding to inquiries from your accountant, there may be several things demanding your attention during this time. Additionally, the ever-increasing risks of fraud, theft, or scams means it is imperative to ensure that your personal or business records do not fall into the hands of miscreants. The experts at Crown Information Management discuss the importance of safe storage and secure disposal of your paper records.

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Hard Drive Destruction for IT Departments in Orlando

Professional Shredding by a NAID AAA Certified Company

No matter which industry, every company’s IT department is responsible for the allocation and maintenance of the electronic devices used by the staff. At any point, the IT infrastructure professionals may be dealing with a large inventory of electronic devices and digital drives, including newly procured items, as well as stockpiles of old, damaged, or redundant drives and devices. 

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