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Author: Crown Information Managment

Does Your Melbourne, FL business Suffer from a False Sense of Security?

Today’s businesses have more to do than building products and providing services. They also have to keep record security top of mind. These records can be in many forms, including electronic and hard copies. With additional regulations on companies to secure documents, many responded to the local office supply store and picked up a shredder, giving them a false send of security. However, these devices do not always produce the shredding quality needed in some industries. Employees often do not use them and leave files in stacks on the floor around the shredder or on their desks. Utilizing the services of a professional, certified document storage and destruction company provides many Melbourne, FL businesses the peace of mind they seek.

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What You Should Know about the Florida Information Act

For years, businesses and governments have worked to secure customers’ and taxpayers’ information, and for decades cyber thugs have continued to wage war on electronic storage systems. The COVID-19 pandemic proved that thieves never let a good panic go to waste. Throughout 2020, many people suffered at the hands of people lacking moral integrity who only wanted to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals. In all of this, the good news is that technology and professional storage services have made it possible for businesses to keep their clients’ information secure.  Even so, as a sole proprietor, limited liability company, or corporation in Jacksonville, Florida, it is up to you to ensure all confidential records are properly secured.

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Does it Look Like Halloween Every Day in Your Storage Unit?

Individuals and businesses use storage units every day. These rental spaces offer the convenience of keeping things that you may not need at your location. For example, families may store furniture, holiday decorations, and sports equipment to avoid cluttering their homes. Businesses will tuck away unused desks and chairs along with stacks of documents they have run out of space for in the office. One of the downsides of using offsite storage is the critters that can quickly invade your unit and infiltrate your stuff.  

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What Is Medical Identity Theft? How to Prevent It?

Medical fraud is big business. With prescription drugs paying big on the street and doctors making prescriptions for certain medicines scarce, thieves need new avenues to get the drugs they want. Your medical identity is the right target and can cause you years of misery, along with poor medical service because of mismatched information from the thief. You know it is imperative to your financial health to keep your financial documents safe. What about your medical identity? If you haven’t heard this term, then keep reading. It is an identity thief’s paradise, and you will pay the price if yours is stolen.

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Medical Record Storage in Florida for a Secure Doctor’s Office

Serving patients and their health is the pinnacle of medical practice. It also includes mounds of paperwork that have to be kept safe and secure per federal regulations. Many medical practices are moving to electronic records management. Keeping your patient’s private information private should be second only to their medical care for those who haven’t made the switch yet. Working with an information record management company places you above the rest in terms of following HIPAA. 

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School Is Back in Session – Protecting Your Child’s Identity

As parents, there is little we wouldn’t do for our children. Their physical and emotional safety is our number one priority. One area parents may not know how to protect proactively is their children’s financial wellbeing. We may not think about it because our kids don’t need credit until they reach adulthood, but cyber thieves are ever-ready to take advantage of this fact. Why not protect your child’s identity now to save them many headaches later? Just like savvy businesses utilize document shredding and storage services to prevent thefts, you can take steps to safeguard your child and even yourself.

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Outsourcing Your Paper Shredding, Product Destruction and Records Management in Orlando, FL

Paper and data – both these items are vital to the operations of your business. However, you can quickly become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of files and how to determine the best way to store them while still keeping them secure. Don’t forget the many privacy laws you may have to adhere to in your line of work. How do you keep up with everything and ensure your client’s information and your company’s data stay safe? One answer is to outsource your paper shredding, product destruction, and records management.

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Benefits of Record Storage Systems within a Law Firm

Law firms aid their clients in various cases, but they also house mounds of paper documentation, much of it required by law. Some firms may have floors of space taken up by shelving units stuffed to the gills with client files. While this may have been the norm decades ago, today’s technology offers better ways to house vital documents, making it much easier to search. By utilizing a dual records management system of digital and offsite options in conjunction with secure shredding and disposal, your firm can reap many benefits and save you hefty fines during an audit.

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5 Ways to Enhance Your Business Information Security

What was once a pipe dream has become a reality thanks to COVID-19. For many, working from home was the perfect solution. No tiring commute or annoying cubicle neighbor to disrupt the work day. Stay in pajama bottoms and a button-up shirt with a tie for video meetings. Companies were not prepared for the onslaught of at-home workers. While they could send their employees to the safety of their homes with a company-issued laptop, it didn’t guarantee the organization’s safety. Instead, cybercriminals made a considerable profit in ransomware attacks and phishing schemes.

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